Thursday, February 10, 2011

'Top' PS3 games according to Playstation magazine

I just got my copy of the March issue of Playstation magazine and after a quick scan through the articles (and corner folding to mark what I'll read in depth later), I came across something that made me say whaaa?

On page ninety, the article entitled 'PS3 Essential Collection' caught my eye and I began to look over the list, seeing that I already own quite a few of the titles, then I read something that made me stop and give serious questioning to the magazine's credibility, number thirteen on their list: Final Fantasy 13.

For those of you that haven't played FFXIII, let me describe the opening hour for you: long, albeit well done, opening cutscene, walking down a hallway, ten minute cutscene, walking down a hallway, ten minute cutscene that introducing new characters, walking down a hallway with those new characters, cutscene with more new characters, hallway, combat tutorial (which is basically a cutscene), hallway.

Wow, that sounds like a great game right?  Really deserves that 10/10 rating huh?

No.  Simple as that, no.  Supposedly twenty plus hours into the game it 'gets good', but twenty hours is about fifteen more than the grace period I give to anything, and let's all be honest, twenty hours isn't a first date, it's a five month relationship without getting any affection back except the promise that eventually you'll get a kiss on the cheek.  Not my cup of tea thank you.

To their credit though, Playstation magazine did do a decent job with the rest of the list, listing games like Uncharted 2, God of War 3, Heavy Rain, Batman Arkham Asylum, and Red Dead Redemption in the top six of the list.  But the mar of having that awful waste of time and money on it at all is still a big compromise to that credit.  Just sayin.

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